About me █████╗ ██████╗ ██████╗ ██╗ ██╗████████╗ ███╗ ███╗███████╗
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Amidst the lively streets and soaring skyline of Toronto, I carve my path as a digital adventurer—a Full Stack Developer with a knack for taming code. With over three years of experience, I’ve been through the trials and tribulations of building SaaS companies from the ground up, mastering every corner of the tech landscape. Need a Back-end spell? I’ve got the incantation for that. Front-end flair? Consider it done, with a flourish.
I’ve braved the wilds of new technologies, taming them like a seasoned ranger trains a beast. No framework too mysterious, no language too arcane. I'm always on a quest for that next treasure trove of knowledge, where the art of software architecture meets the thrill of exploration.
Let's team up!. Reach out at [email protected]. Adventure awaits!